genus 3 curve

Riemann Roch: genus 3 curves

Divisor class group arithmetic on non-hyperelliptic genus 3 curves

Genus of a curve --- CAG L21

Degree and Genus

Elisa Lorenzo García -- Primes of bad reduction for genus 3 CM curves

Applications of Riemann-Roch to Classifying Low genus curves

Wei Ho: Explicit models of genus one curves and related problems

Lathisms Lecture: Rational Points on a Family of Genus 3 Hyperelliptic Curves

Riemann Roch: genus 2 curves

Triangular modular curves of small genus

EMGW04 | Prof. Yuchen Liu | K-moduli of Fano threefolds and genus four curves

Philipp Habegger: The Number of Rational Points on a Curve of Genus at Least Two

The Degree-Genus Formula (3 proofs)

Online Course # 3 - 'Geometry and Arithmetic of Low Genus Curves' by Christophe Ritzenthaler

Counting planar (genus 0) degree d curves in P^3 by Ritwik Mukherjee

Pierrick Gaudry:Point Counting on Hyperelliptic Curves of Genus 3&Higher in Large Characteristic_p1

Online Course # 5 - 'Geometry and Arithmetic of Low Genus Curves' by Christophe Ritzenthaler

Riemann Roch for genus 0 curves

Pierrick Gaudry:Point Counting on Hyperelliptic Curves of Genus 3&Higher in Large Characteristic_p2

Classical minimal surfaces and their genus 3

Livio Liechti: Divide knots of maximal genus defect

Nickolas Rollick - Integer points on genus zero curves

Lecture 17 : Genus of a curve

CTNT 2020 - On classification of genus 0 modular curves with a rational point - Rakvi